Steve Mintz

Founder, CLM Prescriptives, LLC

Prioritizing the Marketing Madness for Your Customer and Brand
April 20, 2021
3:00 – 3:45 p.m.

How we do marketing today has changed greatly from the tactics previously used. There has been a proliferation of marketing channels and technologies that has increased complexity for today’s two main stakeholders: marketing leaders & their teams and the audiences they target.

Brands have great opportunities in the current environment to create winning customer experiences that drive growth, retention, satisfaction, and loyalty to gain competitive advantage. This session presents a method and tools to enhance your brand’s customer experiences to achieve your objectives. Don’t struggle to optimize your customer experiences. Learn more about the value of customer experiences and how to quickly develop a winning plan.

At the end of this session you’ll be able to:

  • Understand why you need a method to determine priorities
  • Define and develop a strategy to achieve designated objectives
  • Learn a methodology to optimize marketing and customer experience efforts