Joel Book

Sr. Director, Digital Marketing Insight, Salesforce

Joel Book is one of the industry’s leading experts on digital marketing and customer experience.  His career spans more than four decades and includes extensive experience in database marketing and customer relationship management. He has helped hundreds of companies – large and small – plan and implement successful digital strategies to acquire, serve and retain customers.

As Sr. Director, Digital Marketing Insight at Salesforce, Joel tracks the major trends that are transforming marketing, sales and customer service and uses this insight to teach companies how to rethink and retool their customer engagement strategies by using data and digital technology to deliver relevant offers and useful information at every stage of the customer life experience cycle.

Recently named as one of “50 Marketing Thought Leaders over 50” for the third consecutive year by Brand Quarterly Magazine, Joel is well-known as a keynote speaker at major industry conferences where he packs his presentations with useful insight, perspective and best-in-class examples of smart and effective digital marketing.
